1. Install the packages. 2. Call CBRM using library. 3. Use the function GOFR to fit the model to the current dataset. The arguments of GOFR consist of the model formula, the name of the data frame, the link function used in the model, the vector of risk percentiles to be used as grid points for evaluation of the Tail-Based test statistics, the number of simulations to compute p-value of the Tail-Based Max-test-statistic, and the convergence tolerence for fitting the model in the idenitity scale. Then GOFR function returns the fitted coefficients, fitted probabilities, estimates of variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients, and the test statistics and p-values from the Tail-Based Max method, Windmeijer method, and Hosmer-Lemeshow method. 4. Use getSummary function with the argument as the return object from GOFR to obtain the summary_of_fit which is a matrix with estimates, standard errors, z-values and p-values for estimated coefficients. The function getSummary also returns summary_of_test which is a matrix with the test statistics and p-values from Tail-Based Max Test, Hosmer and Lemeshow Test, and Windmeijer Test.