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2023 DCEG Mentoring Awards

, by Elise Tookmanian, Ph.D.

Stephen Chanock presents 2023 Mentoring Award to Melissa Friesen

Stephen Chanock (left) presents 2023 Mentoring Award to Melissa Friesen (right).

In 2023, two DCEG investigators were recognized as outstanding mentors, nominated by and voted upon by the DCEG fellow community. Below is the inscription on their award plaques, sourced from the nominating materials submitted by trainees. 

Melissa Friesen, Ph.D., senior investigator in the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch:

"Melissa Friesen is deeply committed to my growth and development. She communicates steadfast belief in me and genuine concern for my well-being. She prioritizes two-way communication and takes time to explain the rationale behind her suggestions, empowering me to tackle similar challenges independently. Her guidance has had a profound impact on my growth as a scholar and professional."

Mitchell H. Gail, M.D. Ph.D., senior investigator in the Biostatistics Branch:

"Mitchell Gail, an internationally recognized expert, is humble and approachable, wise and funny. He continuously acknowledges my successes and contributions, helps me to appreciate my accomplishments, and encourages me to present my work, which builds my confidence and improves my communication skills. He is always available to give feedback and advice. I feel incredibly grateful to have him as my mentor."
