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Cecilia Higgs, M.H.S.

Supervisory Scientific Program Specialist
Clinical Genetics Branch

NCI Shady Grove | Room 6E518

Cecilia Higgs joined the Clinical Genetics Branch (CGB) as a contractor in 2017. In 2020, she formally joined CGB as a Scientific Program Specialist, and in 2023, she became a Supervisory Scientific Program Specialist. Cecilia received her Master of Health Science degree in 2012 from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Cecilia is an exemplary leader who has and continues to make significant contributions to DCEG and CGB’s research programs. She provides scientific and technical expertise and support for the planning and management of clinical and epidemiologic research programs and initiatives central to the mission of the DCEG and NCI. She performs various duties including, but not limited to, project management, protocol development, and submissions to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). She has received numerous awards including the NIH Technology Transfer Award, DCEG Unsung Hero Award, and DCEG Distinguished Scientific Service Award. She has been recognized for developing and leading an effective transition to the new ethical review processes following NIH’s move to a centralized IRB.
