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Tools & Resources

DCEG makes available to the scientific community an extensive collection of tools for study design and planning, analysis, and risk assessment, as well as links to a variety of descriptive epidemiology resources and publicly available data. 

Browse Tools and Resources

  • Absolute Risk Modeling

    Learn about absolute risk modeling and how the approach was used to develop the NCI Risk Assessment Tools for breast and colorectal cancer and melanoma.

  • Exposure Assessment Tools

    Exposure assessment tools and methods developed by DCEG investigators to measure exposures for epidemiologic studies of diet and activity, occupation and environment, radiation, and more.

  • Descriptive Epidemiology Tools & Resources

    Overview of descriptive epidemiology resources- APC cohort analysis, NCI Cancer Atlas, MP-SIT SEER*Stat

  • Publicly Available Data

    Inventory of Publicly Available Data Generated by DCEG

  • Radiation Dosimetry Tools: NCIDose

    NCIDose is a collection of medical radiation dosimetry tools developed by radiation physicists in the Radiation Epidemiology Branch. These tools can be used to estimate the radiation organ doses received by patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

  • Search DCEG Publications

    The DCEG Publications database comprises research articles, reviews, and books published by DCEG scientists. Citations may include links to the abstract as well as full-text content from PubMed Central.
