Insights from Genome-Wide Association Studies and the Steps Beyond (highlights)
Dr. Stephen Chanock, M.D., Chief of the Laboratory of Translational Genomics in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, discusses insights from cancer genome-wide association studies and the steps beyond. He explores the genomic approaches used in identifying and characterizing cancer susceptibility regions in the human genome, and future trends in this research. This seminar was presented at the Hefei 2011 GWAS workshop in Anhui, China, and was supported by Nature Genetics and by Anhui Medical University. Following are highlights of his talk.

Insights from Genome-Wide Association Studies and the Steps Beyond (highlights)
Dr. Stephen Chanock, M.D., Chief of the Laboratory of Translational Genomics in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, discusses insights from cancer genome-wide association studies and the steps beyond. He explores the genomic approaches used in identifying and characterizing cancer susceptibility regions in the human genome, and future trends in this research. This seminar was presented at the Hefei 2011 GWAS workshop in Anhui, China, and was supported by Nature Genetics and by Anhui Medical University. Following are highlights of his talk.