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Tenure-Track Career Path

Roughly one quarter of DCEG’s scientific staff are “tenure-track.”

These early-to-mid-career scientists design and execute in-depth research into the environmental and genetic causes of cancer, and use and develop new methods for data analysis. Similar to academia, DCEG’s tenure track provides a path to scientific tenure at NIH. Each investigator has one or more mentors and a tenure-track mentoring  committee to support the investigator's research program and preparations for NIH tenure evaluation. Learn more about the tenure track and criteria for tenure at NIH.

Life as a Tenure-Track Investigator

Each investigator is expected to manage an independent research portfolio, demonstrating innovation, creativity, and the ability to work collaboratively in teams. They are also expected to engage in mentoring of trainees in the Division's Fellowship Training Program. 

Tenure-track investigators receive professional development and career training, both within the Division and from NIH in the form of courses and lectures. Choose from a list of tenure-track investigators in DCEG and learn about what they do.

Current Openings

In accordance with the Federal Civilian Hiring Freeze Executive Order, dated January 20, 2025, which is effective immediately, we have been informed that all recruitment activities must cease.

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