Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Studies in MEB
DCEG researchers in the Metabolic Epidemiology Branch are studying the etiologic heterogeneity of ovarian and endometrial cancers and the roles that inflammation and endogenous hormones play in carcinogenesis. Selected studies include:
Bone Density and Cancer Risk: A Follow-Up Study of Women in the Fracture Intervention Trial (BFIT)
A retrospective cohort study that uses data from the FIT clinical trial to evaluate how bone mineral density of the hip is related to subsequent cancer risk; including a nested case-cohort study of circulating sex steroid hormones in relation to breast, endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancer risk
Follow-up Studies of Women Evaluated and Treated for Infertility
Retrospective cohort studies of women treated for infertility with ovulation-stimulating drugs to evaluate risk of breast and gynecologic cancers
Serum Sex Steroids and Their Metabolites in Relation to Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer
A nested case-control study of endometrial and ovarian cancers assessing the roles of estrogens, estrogen metabolites, androgens, and androgen metabolites in the etiologies of these cancers