Risk-based lung cancer screening: A template for adopting precision prevention? - Hormuzd Katki, Ph.D.
DCEG Events
May 26, 2016 | 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
NCI Shady Grove Rockville, Maryland
DCEG Applied Epidemiology Seminar Series
The DCEG Applied Epidemiology Seminar Series follows up on themes discussed in the 2015 symposium “Applying Etiologic Epidemiologic Discoveries to Reduce Cancer Burden.” Seminars will explore the intersection of etiologic epidemiology and applied research for public health and clinical applications. The series is designed to be interactive and lively, with an emphasis on discussion rather than lecture.
Future seminars will cover themes in applied epidemiology studies, the transition of potentially promising biomarkers into public health and clinical use, and fundamental statistical principles and methodological advances in applied epidemiology, including the following topics:
- The intersection of epidemiology and health decision analyses
- Risk communication: what improvement is possible through research?
- Polygenic risk prediction and risk-stratified prevention
- Testing for somatic mutations for early detection
- Population-based panel testing for germline mutations linked to increased cancer risk
- New molecular tests for colorectal cancer screening: From discovery to assay development
Scientific coordinators of the series: