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Kai Yu, Ph.D.

Senior Investigator

NCI Shady Grove | Room 7E630



Dr. Yu received a Ph.D. in biostatistics from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, in 2000, and had postdoctoral training in statistical genetics at Stanford University, CA. He joined NCI in 2005 as a tenure-track investigator and was awarded scientific tenure by the NIH and appointed senior investigator in 2012. In 2009, he received an NIH Merit Award for developing creative statistical methods for genetic epidemiologic studies. He is an elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Research Interests

Dr. Yu's research addresses a wide variety of statistically and computationally challenging problems that have arisen in design and analysis of modern high-dimensional genetic and molecular epidemiologic studies.

  • Statistical methods for genetic and genomic studies
  • Tree-based models and applications in molecular epidemiology studies
  • Integrative analysis using individual-level and summary-level data


Press Contacts

To request an interview with NCI researchers, contact the NCI Office of Media Relations. | 240-760-6600
