Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Fellowship Opportunities
Investigators in the Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch (ITEB) offer extraordinary opportunities for fellows to develop skills in molecular pathology, somatic and germline genomics, and epidemiology to identify environmental and germline risk factors for cancer using large, population-based studies. Clinically-trained fellows may rotate through the Branch's Cancer Genetics Clinic to gain practical knowledge in the conduct of clinical studies. Laboratory-trained fellows may conduct part of their research in the Branch's Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory Unit. Research methods include:
- Next-generation sequencing
- Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
- Digital pathology
Learn more about the Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch research areas.
Apply to be a Fellow in ITEB
Postdoctoral, predoctoral, and postbaccalaureate fellowship applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Contact investigators in ITEB conducting research in your area of interest with a copy of your CV; DCEG scientists are always on the lookout for new fellows. In addition, submit your CV to the application database so it can be reviewed by investigators across the NCI who may be searching for fellows. You can also apply for training positions with specific investigators listed below.
Training Opportunities with Specific Investigators
- Statistical Methods in Genetics and Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship with Dr. Diptavo Dutta
- Studies of Lung Cancer, Melanoma, and Kidney Cancer using Genomic Data Postdoctoral Fellowship with Dr. Maria Teresa Landi
To explore training opportunities in other research areas, visit the Apply for Fellowships page.
GPP is such a unique opportunity to experience both NIH intramural research and the academic environment of a university with interdisciplinary investigation. The support and guidance from my mentors and the DCEG Office of Education have been an essential asset to my experience as a graduate student.