2019 - News Updates
Savage Delivers Fred Li Award Lecture
Sharon Savage delivers Fred Li Award Lecture, “The long and short of telomere biology,” at Dana Farber Cancer Institute April 2019.
Murphy Recognized with NCI Staff Scientist Outstanding Mentor Award
Dr. Murphy was recognized with the 2019 NCI Staff Scientist and Staff Clinician Outstanding Mentor Award at the CCR and DCEG Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians Retreat. The award recognizes excellence in guiding the careers of trainees in cancer research.
Leitzmann Delivers 2019 Schatzkin Lecture on Physical Activity and Cancer
Dr. Michael Leitzmann, from the University of Regensburg, Germany, gave the 2019 Arthur Schatzkin Memorial Lecture on physical activity and cancer.
Advisory Group Recommends Agents for Review by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published recommendations from an independent Advisory Group convened to prioritize agents for review by the IARC Monographs programme. The recommendations appear in the journal The Lancet Oncology.
Onabajo Receives Early Career Travel Grant to Immunology 2019 Meeting
Dr. Olusegun Onabajo, staff scientist in the Prokunina-Olsson Laboratory, received a 2019 AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant to the American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting.
2019 AACR Annual Meeting Features DCEG Research
Dozens of DCEG investigators, from fellows to the Division Director, presented their research at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in Atlanta, GA.
van Leeuwen Delivers Division Seminar, Discusses Research with DCEG Investigators
Dr. Flora van Leeuwen, winner of the 2019 Rosalind E. Franklin Award, visited DCEG to deliver a lecture on in-vitro fertilization and ovarian cancer risk and have roundtable discussions on survivorship research and cancer risk after early life exposures.
LDpop Plots Linkage Disequilibrium by Ancestry or Geographic Location
LDpop is a free and publicly available cross-platform web tool that plots linkage disequilibrium by ancestry or geographic location. Access it online at https://ldlink.nci.nih.gov/?tab=ldpop.
2019 NCI Intramural Scientific Investigators' Retreat, Highlights
DCEG investigators participated in the annual Intramural Investigators Retreat. Flora van Leeuwen and Matthew Meyerson gave the Franklin and Knudson Awards Lectures, respectively. Laufey Amundadottir (DCEG) gave an invited lecture. Several others received awards.
Savage Presents on TP53 and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome at NIH Demystifying Medicine Series
Dr. Sharon Savage and Dr. Marston Linehan from the Center for Cancer Research present their research on inherited cancer at the NIH series, Demystifying Medicine, joined by one of Dr. Savage’s patients.
Never Too Late to Start: Benefits of Exercise Continue Throughout Adulthood
It is never too late to benefit from exercise, study finds; physical activity throughout adulthood decreases risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer mortality.
Obesity-related Cancer Trends Among Young Adult U.S. Population
Study finds increased incidence of obesity-related cancers in children and young adults in U.S.-based cancer registries.
Laboratory of Translational Genomics Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Symposium
In December 2018, DCEG hosted a day-long symposium in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Laboratory of Translational Genomics (LTG). The symposium highlighted the history and key discoveries of the LTG and its investigators.
Controlling Cervical Cancer: DCEG’s Ongoing Commitment to Improving Women’s Health
Scientists in DCEG are among the leaders of a growing global effort to greatly reduce deaths from cervical cancer
iCURE Scholars Program Increases Diversity of the NCI Intramural Workforce
The Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE) program offers mentored research experiences for qualified individuals. Ms. Mone’t Thompson, in the Clinical Genetics Branch, is the first DCEG iCURE Scholar.
Emily Vogtmann Appointed Earl Stadtman Investigator
Emily Vogtmann, Ph.D., M.P.H., was appointed as an Earl Stadtman tenure-track investigator in the Metabolic Epidemiology Branch (MEB) in November 2018. Dr. Vogtmann investigates the role of the human microbiome in cancer risk and progression.
Patterns of Cause-Specific Mortality in Survivors of Retinoblastoma, 1914-2016
Mortality patterns among survivors of retinoblastoma differ by hereditary status, cause of death, calendar year of diagnosis, treatment, and time since diagnosis. Study conducted by NCI, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and University of Massachusetts Medical Center.
Khincha Receives Flex Award for Metformin Trial in Li-Fraumeni Patients
Payal Khincha, staff clinician in the Clinical Genetics Branch and Christina Annunziata in the Center for Cancer Research received Flex Award for their project, “Phase II clinical trial of metformin in patients with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS).”
From Facebook to the Hill: Communicating Research
Megan Frone and Nicolas Wentzensen communicate effectively about their research to policy makers, clinicians, and the public.
Cancer Risk in Non-Proband DICER1-Variant Carriers
A new report establishes the first quantitative, site-specific risk for benign and malignant tumors in over one hundred individuals with a germline DICER1 pathogenic variant.