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BrCa MD RAM Readme

ReadMe.fil                                                                    7/17/09

Documentation and user guide for a SAS macro to project for white women BrCa absolute
risk based on a RR model which includes % mammographic density, body weight and a
subset of the standard breast cancer relative risk covariates.

Relative risk covariates, 1-AR, composite breast cancer incidences, competing hazards
are described in "Projecting absolute invasive breast cancer risk in white women with
a model that includes mammographic density".                 JNCI 2006 98(17) 1215-26.

Handling of missing covariate values and covariate editing procedures follow NCI BrCa
Risk Assessment Tool (NCI BCRAT).

A simple 3 step example on the use of the SAS macro:  "BrCa_MD_RAM"
(Br)east (Ca)ncer with (M)ammographic (D)ensity (R)isk (A)ssessment (M)acro

Step 1:  the included sas program  ""  reads the supplied data file
        "", which contains the BrCa risk covarites and projection
        age interval for 50 hypothetical women.  It then saves a SAS system file
        with name of "ExampleIn" to be used as input to the SAS macro "BrCa_MD_RAM":

        data    ExampleIn;                   *** name of the saved sas system file;

                infile '';          *** sample RR covariate input file;

                    *** SAS variable names selected by user;

                input   InitalAge


                        Rec_Num = _n_;

Step 2:  the included sas program then runs the SAS macro

        %include  "BrCa_MD_RAM";           *** include the sas MACRO  "BrCa_MD_RAM";

        Involking the sas macro  "BrCa_MD_RAM"  to perform the BrCa projections.

        The temporary sas input  file is set to   "ExampleIn".
        The temporary sas output file is set to   "ExampleOut".

        The macro parameters  T1, T2, PDensty, N_Rels, N_Biop, Age1st and
        BdyWght point to their corresponding sas variables on the sas file
        "ExampleIn",  namely  InitalAge, ProjtnAge, PerCent_Den, Num_Rels,
        NBiop, AgeFstLive and Body_Weight.

        The macro parameter AbsRsk points to the sas variable Absolute_Risk
        which will be added to the output sas file  "ExampleOut".  The output
        sas file will also contain all the variables on the input sas file.

                      Macro          pointing      SAS file name or
                      parameter      to            SAS variable name;

        %BrCa_MD_RAM (In_File        =             ExampleIn    ,
                      Out_File       =             ExampleOut   ,

                      T1             =             InitalAge    ,
                      T2             =             ProjtnAge    ,

                      PDensty        =             PerCent_Den  ,
                      N_Rels         =             Num_Rels     ,
                      N_Biop         =             NBiop        ,
                      Age1st         =             AgeFstLive   ,
                      BdyWght        =             Body_Weight  ,

                      AbsRsk         =             Absolute_Risk);

Step 3  It thens list the contents of the temporary output sas system file
        "ExampleOut" which contains the projected absolute risk as well as the
        relative risk covariate values.  Note that any further processing
        requiring the projected absolute risk, must be performed on the output
        sas system file;

        data    ExampleOut;
        set     ExampleOut;

                file print;

                if (_N_ eq 1) then do;
                   put " Record                  %    #     #  Age    Body"
                       "  (1-ar)RR  (1-ar)RR              Pattrn";
                   put "      #    T1    T2   Dens  Rel  Biop  1st    Wght"
                       "    Age<50    Age>50      AbsRsk       #";
                   put " ";

                *** all variables below take on their SAS variable names, not
                    their macro names
                    see SAS variable names defined in Step 1;

                if (Rec_Num le 100) then  put
                   Rec_Num              7.0
                   InitalAge            6.1
                   ProjtnAge            6.1

                   PerCent_Den          7.1
                   Num_Rels             5.0
                   NBiop                6.0
                   AgeFstLive           5.0
                   Body_Weight          8.1

                   One_AR_RR1          10.4
                   One_AR_RR2          10.4
                   Absolute_Risk       12.6
                   PattrnNumber         8.0;

Detailed description of the operation and output items from the SAS macro "BrCa_MD_RAM":

Input data:
In_File= should "point" to a SAS data set containing all the required input data
items needed  to perform risk projections, such as initial age, projection age, BrCa
relative risk covariates.  See the paragraph "Input data items ... " below,
for a detailed description of all required data items.

Output data:
Out_File= should "point" to a SAS output data set which will contain the projected
absolute risk of BrCa as well as the original input data items.

Macro structure:
       Macro          Macro
       name           parameters               "points" to SAS names

%macro  BrCa_MD_RAM   (In_File     =,            name of input  sas data set

                      Out_File    =,            name of output sas data set

                      T1          =,            initial age,    age at beginning of
                                                                projection interval

                      T2          =,            projection age, age at end of
                                                                projection interval

                      PDensty     =,            % mammographic density
                      N_Rels      =,            # 1st degree relatives with brca
                      N_Biop      =,            # biopsies performed
                      Age1st      =,            age at 1st live birth
                      BdyWght     =,            body weight in lbs

                      AbsRsk      =);           projected absolute risk of brca

appropriate sas file/sas variable names must be associated with each macro parameters
on the invocation of the sas macro  "BrCa_MD_RAM".

For example coding  "In_File = AARPin"  tells the macro that the user created
sas file  "AARPin"  is to be used for input of variables.  Similarly, coding
"N_Biop = Num_Biops",  lets the macro know that the sas variable "Num_Biops" in the
sas input file  "AARPin"  contiains the count of the # of biopsies performed.

To involke the sas macro in your sas program, an #include statement must be coded in
your sas program.

For example:

the statement: %include "BrCa_MD_RAM";          points to the sas macro  BrCa_MD_RAM
                                               stored in your current directory

the statement: %include "c:\sas.macro\BrCa_MD_RAM";        points to the sas macro
                                                          BrCa_MD_RAM stored in the
                                                          directory c:\sas.macro

Input data items needed to project for BrCa absolute risk and consistency

parameter      Definition                    Valid values

T1             Initial         age           any real number T1 in [20,85]
T2             BrCa projection age           any real number T2 such that T2 > T1

PDensty        % mammographic density        any real number in [0,100]

N_Rels         # 1st degree relatives        0,1,2 ...       99=unk
              with BrCa

N_Biop         # of biopsies                 0,1,2 ...       99=unk

Age1st         Age at first live birth       less than or equal to initial age.

BdyWght        Body weight in lbs            any positive real number

Recoding and checking of relative risk covariate values performed by the SAS macro:

                                    raw value                       recoded to

PDensty: % mammographic density       0                                       0
                                   ( 0, 25)                                  1
                                   [25, 50)                                  2
                                   [50, 75)                                  3
                                   [75,100]                                  4

N_Rels : # 1st degree rel with BrCa  0 or 99=unk                              0
                                    1                                        1
                                    2,3,4 ... and not 99=unk                 2

N_Biop : # biopsies                  0 or 99=unk                              0
                                    1 or                                     1
                                    2,3,4 ... and not 99=unk                 2

Age1st : age at 1st live birth       19 and younger  or  99=unk               0
                                    20,21,22,23,24                           1
                                    25,26,27,28,29  or  98(nulliparous)      2
                                    30,31,32 ...    and not 98 and not 99    3

BdyWght: body weight in lbs          (  0,100]                                0
                                    (100,125]                                1
                                    (125,150]                                2
                                    (150,175]                                3
                                    (175,200]                                4
                                    (200,  +]                                5

In the above, note the liberal use of "open", "closed" interval limits notation.

Edit checking for relative risk covariates, PDensty,N_Rels,N_Biop,Age1st & BdyWght:

PDensty:  % mammographic density must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
         no accomodating for unknown % density.  unkown %density results in an
         unknown absolute risk projection.

N_Rels :  # of 1st degree relatives with BrCa must be 0,1,2... unk=99

N_Biop :  # biopsies must be 0,1,2... unk=99

Age1st :  age first live birth must be less than or equal to Initial age T1
         nulliparous=98,  unk=99

BdyWght:  body weight must be a positive real number.  no accomodation for
         unknown body weight.  unknown weight results in an unknown absolute risk.

Following is a listing of the sample raw input data set ""
(column heading included for clarity):

          Inital    Projtn    PerCent_                          Fst     Body_
Rec_Num      Age       Age        Den      Num_Rels    NBiop    Live    Weight

   1        67        72         96           0         2       25       175
   2        44        49         24           0         1       30       125
   3        38        43          0           2         2       19       125
   4        54        59         72           0         0       19       200
   5        54        59         72           2         0       25       100
   6        44        49         24           1         2       19       150
   7        44        49         24           2         2       25       125
   8        44        49         24           0         2       25       150
   9        54        59         72           1         0       19       200
  10        44        49         24           2         0       30       150
  11        67        72         96           1         2       19       100
  12        58        63         48           0         2       30       125
  13        67        72         96           0         1       25       100
  14        67        72         96           1         0       19       125
  15        54        59         72           0         2       30       200
  16        67        72         96           0         0       19       200
  17        67        72         96           0         2       19       200
  18        44        49         24           2         0       19       150
  19        44        49         24           0         2       19       125
  20        58        63         48           1         1       19       200
  21        44        49         24           1         1       20       125
  22        44        49         24           1         2       25       175
  23        44        49         24           1         0       20       100
  24        58        63         48           0         1       20       175
  25        38        43          0           0         1       25       100
  26        54        59         72           0         1       30       100
  27        67        72         96           0         0       30       150
  28        54        59         72           1         0       25       125
  29        54        59         72           2         0       25       200
  30        67        72         96           2         1       25       125
  31        58        63         48           2         2       30       100
  32        58        63         48           1         1       20       175
  33        58        63         48           2         1       19       250
  34        58        63         48           1         1       19       250
  35        58        63         48           2         0       25       125
  36        44        49         24           2         0       25       175
  37        67        72         96           0         2       30       200
  38        54        59         72           0         0       25       200
  39        58        63         48           0         1       25       100
  40        38        43          0           0         2       25       200
  41        54        59         72           1         2       19       250
  42        67        72         96           1         2       19       125
  43        58        63         48           1         0       25       200
  44        38        43          0           0         2       19       200
  45        67        72         96           2         2       19       250
  46        67        72         96           0         0       20       150
  47        44        49         24           0         2       25       125
  48        67        72         96           0         0       19       175
  49        54        59         72           1         1       19       200
  50        67        72         96           2         1       20       250

Following is a listing of the consequence of applying the macro to the input file
Note the raw values for the RR covaraties are listed and not the recoded values of
0,1,2,3,4 or 5

Record                  %    #     #  Age    Body  (1-ar)RR  (1-ar)RR              Pattrn
     #    T1    T2   Dens  Rel  Biop  1st    Wght    Age<50    Age>50      AbsRsk       #

     1  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     2   25   175.0    3.6546    4.1787    0.092145     928
     2  44.0  49.0   24.0    0     1   30   125.0    0.7936    0.9074    0.007421     260
     3  38.0  43.0    0.0    2     2   19   125.0    1.1110    1.2703    0.005499     194
     4  54.0  59.0   72.0    0     0   19   200.0    1.4190    1.6225    0.026740     653
     5  54.0  59.0   72.0    2     0   25   100.0    1.9960    2.2822    0.037406     805
     6  44.0  49.0   24.0    1     2   19   150.0    1.2335    1.4104    0.011511     339
     7  44.0  49.0   24.0    2     2   25   125.0    2.1257    2.4305    0.019753     422
     8  44.0  49.0   24.0    0     2   25   150.0    1.0861    1.2418    0.010142     279
     9  54.0  59.0   72.0    1     0   19   200.0    2.2110    2.5281    0.041351     725
    10  44.0  49.0   24.0    2     0   30   150.0    1.8498    2.1150    0.017211     381
    11  67.0  72.0   96.0    1     2   19   100.0    2.1743    2.4861    0.055917     985
    12  58.0  63.0   48.0    0     2   30   125.0    1.4302    1.6353    0.030560     500
    13  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     1   25   100.0    1.4815    1.6940    0.038458     901
    14  67.0  72.0   96.0    1     0   19   125.0    1.6153    1.8469    0.041855     938
    15  54.0  59.0   72.0    0     2   30   200.0    3.8077    4.3537    0.070136     719
    16  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     0   19   200.0    1.9789    2.2627    0.051028     869
    17  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     2   19   200.0    3.3044    3.7783    0.083705     917
    18  44.0  49.0   24.0    2     0   19   150.0    1.1511    1.3161    0.010745     363
    19  44.0  49.0   24.0    0     2   19   125.0    0.6381    0.7297    0.005972     266
    20  58.0  63.0   48.0    1     1   19   200.0    2.0486    2.3424    0.043481     533
    21  44.0  49.0   24.0    1     1   20   125.0    0.9013    1.0306    0.008424     320
    22  44.0  49.0   24.0    1     2   25   175.0    2.0994    2.4004    0.019511     352
    23  44.0  49.0   24.0    1     0   20   100.0    0.5623    0.6429    0.005264     295
    24  58.0  63.0   48.0    0     1   20   175.0    1.2414    1.4194    0.026581     466
    25  38.0  43.0    0.0    0     1   25   100.0    0.3916    0.4478    0.001942      37
    26  54.0  59.0   72.0    0     1   30   100.0    1.2443    1.4227    0.023487     691
    27  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     0   30   150.0    2.0666    2.3630    0.053225     885
    28  54.0  59.0   72.0    1     0   25   125.0    1.5891    1.8169    0.029896     734
    29  54.0  59.0   72.0    2     0   25   200.0    4.7268    5.4046    0.086309     809
    30  67.0  72.0   96.0    2     1   25   125.0    4.4622    5.1021    0.111303    1046
    31  58.0  63.0   48.0    2     2   30   100.0    2.7992    3.2006    0.058928     643
    32  58.0  63.0   48.0    1     1   20   175.0    1.9344    2.2118    0.041106     538
    33  58.0  63.0   48.0    2     1   19   250.0    3.9599    4.5278    0.082322     606
    34  58.0  63.0   48.0    1     1   19   250.0    2.5414    2.9058    0.053650     534
    35  58.0  63.0   48.0    2     0   25   125.0    1.7754    2.0300    0.037794     590
    36  44.0  49.0   24.0    2     0   25   175.0    1.9590    2.2400    0.018219     376
    37  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     2   30   200.0    5.3103    6.0718    0.130975     935
    38  54.0  59.0   72.0    0     0   25   200.0    1.9468    2.2260    0.036501     665
    39  58.0  63.0   48.0    0     1   25   100.0    0.7617    0.8709    0.016395     469
    40  38.0  43.0    0.0    0     2   25   200.0    1.1984    1.3703    0.005930      65
    41  54.0  59.0   72.0    1     2   19   250.0    4.5799    5.2367    0.083744     774
    42  67.0  72.0   96.0    1     2   19   125.0    2.6972    3.0840    0.068881     986
    43  58.0  63.0   48.0    1     0   25   200.0    2.1751    2.4870    0.046102     521
    44  38.0  43.0    0.0    0     2   19   200.0    0.8735    0.9988    0.004326      53
    45  67.0  72.0   96.0    2     2   19   250.0    9.9526   11.3798    0.231001    1062
    46  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     0   20   150.0    1.5063    1.7223    0.039088     873
    47  44.0  49.0   24.0    0     2   25   125.0    0.8755    1.0011    0.008184     278
    48  67.0  72.0   96.0    0     0   19   175.0    1.5953    1.8240    0.041347     868
    49  54.0  59.0   72.0    1     1   19   200.0    2.8571    3.2668    0.053105     749
    50  67.0  72.0   96.0    2     1   20   250.0    9.0215   10.3152    0.211935    1044

After the absolute risks have been generated, descriptive statistics by applying PROC
MEANS to the quantities Error_Ind, AbsRsk, One_AR_RR1 and One_AR_RR2 is performed.  When
the mean and standard deviation for the variable  "Error_Ind"  is 0, implies that no
errors have not been found.  Otherwise when the mean and std for  "Error_Ind" is not 0,
implies that errors have been found.  When errors are found, the # of records with errors
is the count asscociated with "AbsRsk" listed under NMiss (# of missing).  Furthermore, a
listing file for erroronious records follows the PROC Means output.  For example:

                                                                     10:52 Wednesday, July 15, 2009
BrCa_MD_RAM,  sas macro to project for BrCa absolute risk
Quick check for errornous records on input file


(# of records with errors is the # listed under the NMiss column in the 'AbsRsk' line)

The MEANS Procedure

Variable        Label                                              Mean        Std Dev    N   Miss
Error_Ind       If mean not 0, implies ERROR in file  ----->    0.00000        0.00000   50      0
Absolute_Risk   Abs risk of BrCa in age interval [T1,T2)        0.04673        0.04672   50      0
One_AR_RR1      (1-AR)*RelRsk age lt 50                         2.33432        1.87141   50      0
One_AR_RR2      (1-AR)*RelRsk age ge 50                         2.66907        2.13977   50      0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, example sas program using sas macro  BrCa_MD_RAM                                4
                                                                     10:52 Wednesday, July 15, 2009
BrCa_MD_RAM,  sas macro to project for BrCa absolute risk
Error listing for the input file

Record                 %    #     #  Age    Body  (1-ar)RR  (1-ar)RR              Patrn
     #    T1    T2  Dens  Rel  Biop  1st    Wght    Age<50    Age>50      AbsRsk      #

     No errors detected for initial age, projection age and relative risk covaraites

Statistical issues  should be addressed to:  Dr. Mitchell Gail
Technical   details should be addressed to:  Mr. David Pee
