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CCRAT SAS Macro Readme

Date Updated: 10/28/2014

Date Created: 05/26/2010

Short instruction file on the use of the men's colorectal cancer (CRC) absolute risk
projection SAS macro (Men_CRC_RAM),

The men's colorectal cancer absolute risk projection SAS macro,  Men_CRC_RAM  needs
the following information as input to estimate absolute risk of colorectal cancer:

  Race             =1, white
                   =2, african-american
                   =3, hispanic
                   =4, asian-american

  T1               T1,    current age ranges from:  50 to 85

  T2               T2, projection age ranges from:  T2>T1  and  T2<=90

  Sigmoid_Polyps   =0, yes sigmoidoscopy and/or colonscopy last 10 years,  no history of polyps
                   =1.  no sigmoidoscopy and/or colonscopy last 10 years
                   =2, yes sigmoidoscopy and/or colonscopy last 10 years, yes history of polyps

                   =3, unk sigmoidoscopy and/or colonscopy last 10 years, unk history of polyps  or
                       yes sigmoidoscopy and/or colonscopy last 10 years, unk history of polyps

  NoIBuprofin      =0, regular user of non aspirin containin NSaids, e.g. IBuprofin only  or
                       dont know   denoted on the input data as -9

                   =1,     non user of non aspirin containin NSaids, e.g. IBuprofin only

  Vigorus_Xrcis    =0, 0 hrs/wk
                   =1, greater than 0 and less than equal 2 hrs/wk
                   =2, greater than 2 and less than equal 4 hrs/wk
                   =3, greater than 4 hrs/wk

  Cig_Yrs          =0, # yrs cigarette smoking  =  0                or
                       dont know   denoted on the input data as -9

                   =1, # yrs cigarette smoking  >  0  and  < 15
                   =2, # yrs cigarette smoking >= 15  and  < 35
                   =3, # yrs cigarette smoking >= 35

  Vegetable        =0, greater   equal to five servings of vegetables per day
                   =1, less      than     five servings of vegetables per day

  Num_Cigs         =0, # cigarettes smokes   =  0                   or
                       dont know   denoted on the input data as -9

                   =1, # cigarettes smokes  >=  1  and  <  11
                   =2, # cigarettes smokes  >= 11  and  <= 20
                   =3, # cigarettes smokes  >= 21

  BMI_Trnd         =0, BMI <= 24.9
                   =1, BMI  > 24.9  and  BMI <= 29.9
                   =2, BMI  > 29.9

  No_NSaids        =0, regular user of asprin containing NSaids    or
                       dont know   denoted on the input data as -9

                   =1,     non user of asprin containing NSaids

  Fam_Hist_CRC     =0, 0 relative  with CRC  (CRC=Colorectal Cancer)               or
                       dont know if any relatives with CRC          denoted by -9

                   =1, 1 relative  with CRC                                        or
                       have relative with CRC, dont know how many   denoted by -8

                   =2, 2 or more relatives with CRC

  !!!!!!!!!!!!  Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning  !!!!!!!!!!!!
  !!!!!!!!!!!!   Warning about an inadmissible error condition   !!!!!!!!!!!!

  Inadmissable condition of  NoIBuprofin=0   and  No_NSAIDS=1
  i.e.  individual uses IBuprofin  but does not use NSaids.
  This is contradictory since IBuprofin is a NSaid drug
  projected absolute risk for records with this contradition will be missing

  !!!!!!!!!!!!   Warning about an inadmissible error condition   !!!!!!!!!!!!
  !!!!!!!!!!!!  Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning  !!!!!!!!!!!!

A short SAS sample program,,  which reads a covariate input dataset,,
are included to more clearly demonstrate the use of the SAS macro  Men_CRC_RAM.  User's can run
the program  for instructional and clarification purposes

Ref: "Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction Tool for White Men and Women Without Known
     Susceptibility".   A Freedman et al.  JCO  27:686-693 2008.


  • Freedman AN, Slattery ML, Ballard-Barbash R, Willis G, Cann B, Pee D, Gail MH, Pfeiffer RM. A colorectal cancer risk prediction tool for white men and women without known susceptibility. J Clin Oncol 2009 Feb 10;27(5):686-93.
  • Park Y, Freedman AN, Gail MH, Pee D, Hollenbeck A, Schatzkin A, Pfeiffer RM. Validation of a colorectal cancer risk prediction model among whites 50 years old and over. J Clin Oncol 2009 Feb 10;27(5):694-8.
  • Updated: