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Radiation Epidemiology Branch

Red and orange blurry background with an abstract representation of electromagnetic flowing

Understanding the link between radiation exposure and cancer

The research mission of the Radiation Epidemiology Branch (REB) is to identify, understand, and quantify the risk of cancer in populations exposed to medical, occupational, or environmental radiation, and to advance understanding of radiation carcinogenesis.

Research Areas

REB investigators conduct a wide range of epidemiological, genetic, and radiation dosimetry research to quantify risk, identify susceptible populations, and carry out advanced exposure assessments. REB also houses the DCEG Cancer Survivorship Research Unit.

Learn more about REB research areas.


REB fellows enjoy unique opportunities to plan, conduct, and publish results from a variety of research studies while receiving training in radiation epidemiology, biostatistics, molecular epidemiology, radiation biology, and cancer risk assessment from radiation exposure.

Research News from REB
