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REB Tools & Resources

Investigators in the Radiation Epidemiology Branch (REB) provide a variety of tools and resources to be used by the scientific community.

Tools and Resources Developed by REB

Chornobyl Tissue Bank (CTB)

The Chornobyl Tissue Bank (CTB) is a resource to collect, document, store, and issue to bona fide researchers, biological samples donated by patients with thyroid tumors who live in the vicinity of the site of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Interactive Radioepidemiological Computer Program

The Interactive Radioepidemiological Computer Program (IRCP) was created to fulfill a Congressional mandate (Public Law 97-414, Section 7(b)) to create a set of summary tables that might be used to help evaluate the merits of compensation claims for cancer cases thought to have been caused by radiation exposure.

Radiation Dosimetry Methods and Tools

Browse Radiation Dosimetry Methods and Tools developed by the REB Dosimetry Unit for determining radiation doses to organs using innovative modeling and computational and physical human phantoms.

NCIDose Radiation Dosimetry Tools

NCIDose is a collection of tools and data for use in medical radiation dosimetry: 

NCI Dose Banner Image
Credit: NCI Staff

Radiation Risk Assessment Tool (RadRAT)

The Radiation Risk Assessment Tool (RadRAT) is an online calculator for estimating the lifetime risk of cancer incidence for members of the U.S. population (or countries with similar cancer incidence rates) from exposure to ionizing radiation for doses below 1 Gy. 

Thyroid Dose and Risk Calculator for Nuclear Weapons Fallout for the U.S. Population

The Thyroid Dose and Risk Calculator estimates the I-131 radiation dose received by the thyroid gland from radionuclides in fallout from nuclear tests.

Training Resources

REB periodically coordinates a week-long Radiation Epidemiology and Dosimetry Course, given by experts in the field. Watch videos and see course content from the  2019 Radiation Epidemiology & Dosimetry Course.  

Email us to be notified of when the next course will be held.

Useful Links

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