Transplant-Associated Malignancies
Cancer risk is substantially elevated among solid organ transplant recipients, who receive long-term immunosuppressant medications to prevent organ rejection. To better understand the etiology of cancer in this population, investigators are conducting the Transplant Cancer Match Study. This study is a collaborative effort with the Health Resources and Services Administration, which oversees the U.S. solid organ transplant network. Data from multiple state and regional cancer registries are linked with the U.S. registry of transplant recipients, to cover approximately two-thirds of the U.S. transplant population.
Goals of the project include:
- Describe the spectrum of cancer risk in solid organ transplant recipients;
- Elucidate the role of oncogenic viruses in causing cancer in this setting; and
- Understand the role of other factors in causing cancer, such as demographic factors, medical conditions, and specific immunosuppressive medication.
Select Findings
Sargen, M. et al. Spectrum of Nonkeratinocyte Skin Cancer Risk Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in the US. JAMA Dermatol. 2022
For more information, contact Eric Engels.