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Trans-Divisional Research Program (TDRP) Established

, by DCEG Staff

In October, Stephen J. Chanock, M.D., Director of DCEG, announced the formation of the Trans-Divisional Research Program (TDRP), replacing the former Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program and the Human Genetics Program.

The TDRP mission is to conduct and facilitate trans-divisional research on cancer epidemiology, genetics, and prevention across DCEG. The Program was created to address priorities identified through the Division’s strategic planning and is expected to increase cross-branch research initiatives, data sharing, and analytics capacity. Its creation also followed the retirement of Program Directors Robert N. Hoover, M.D., Sc.D., scientist emeritus and Margaret A. Tucker, M.D., scientist emerita, who provided strategic leadership to DCEG for many decades.

The TDRP mission will be accomplished by: 

  • Identifying new trans-Divisional research opportunities and directions for the Division.
  • Coordinating Connect for Cancer Prevention, a new prospective study for the division and broader scientific community.
  • Building collaborative data platforms and tools for large-scale epidemiological research, following Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-suable (F.A.I.R.) principles.
  • Coordinating task forces to facilitate implementation of the DCEG strategic plan for 2020-2025.
  • Supporting working groups to facilitate trans-Divisional research.

The mission/vision and primary activities of TDRP reflect many of the current responsibilities of Deputy Director Montserrat García-Closas, M.D., Dr.P.H., who is leading the program. TDRP will work closely with leadership across the Division to advance the mission of DCEG. TDRP will also serve as liaison to NCI, NIH, and the rest of the extramural community to facilitate collaborative epidemiological and genetic research. 

Learn more about the TDRP.

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