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Analysis Identifies 50 New Genomic Regions Associated with Kidney Cancer Risk

, by Jennifer K. Loukissas, M.P.P.

stylized image showing kidneys in the human body

Mark P. Purdue, Ph.D., senior investigator in the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, and colleagues, reported in Nature Genetics the findings from their analysis of genetic susceptibility to kidney cancer. They identified 50 new areas across the genome that are associated with the risk of developing kidney cancer. These insights could one day be used to advance our understanding of the molecular basis of kidney cancer, inform screening efforts for those at highest risk, and identify new drug targets. 

The paper was described in a Media Advisory on the NCI Website.


Purdue, M et al. Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of kidney cancer identifies 63 susceptibility regionsNature Genetics. 2024.

