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MelaNostrum Consortium

The MelaNostrum Consortium studies genetic, environmental, and clinical determinants of melanoma risk and progression in Mediterranean populations.

People of Mediterranean descent are thought to be at low risk of developing melanoma due to their relatively dark pigmentation. For this reason, Mediterranean populations have been underrepresented in studies of melanoma. This has left many questions about disease development and characteristics of melanoma-prone families in this region.

Goals of the MelaNostrum Consortium

  • Identify genetic, environmental, and phenotypic factors associated with melanoma risk in population- and family-based studies
  • Investigate molecular and immune-related features of melanoma histological subtypes and their precursor lesions in relation to disease development and clinical outcomes

The MelaNostrum Consortium is a collaboration of researchers and clinicians from Mediterranean countries—Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, southern France, and Croatia—and the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Participants from clinical centers and universities provide biospecimens and data collected by detailed questionnaires and clinical examinations, creating a rich, growing database and sample repository for research on melanoma.

Interested in joining or carrying out research with the MelaNostrum Consortium? See the criteria for membership on our members page.

For information about collaboration or joining the Consortium, please contact Maria Teresa Landi, M.D., Ph.D.
