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MelaNostrum Consortium Members

Criteria for Membership

For investigators not part of a group already working in the Consortium and potentially bringing with him/her other people from their group:

  • The candidate must contribute data and/or biospecimens from melanoma patients (sporadic and/or familial, and possibly healthy controls) for the Consortium's projects. A brief description of the studies and related material that the candidate can contribute should be made available to all MelaNostrum PIs for their consideration.
  • The candidate must respect absolute confidentiality about any discussion of data/projects within the Consortium. Failure to observe this requirement may result in exclusion from the Consortium.
  • The candidate can be introduced by an existing member of MelaNostrum who can speak for his/her high quality of work and discretion. A candidate may alternatively approach the Consortium directly with the request to participate, in which case the decision to accept the request will be determined by the MelaNostrum PIs.
  • The candidate or a person from his/her group should strive to participate in person in each annual meeting.
  • The decision on whether to accept a new member or not should be made collegially by the MelaNostrum PIs. The decision can be communicated to Dr. Maria Teresa Landi privately by email and if consensus is not reached and more discussion is required, a decision may be postponed to the Consortium annual meeting.

If the candidate is a member of a group already working in MelaNostrum, it is enough if the PI who invites the person explains why he/she wants to bring this person and the type of expertise that this candidate can bring (e.g. in genetics, statistics, or molecular biology).

United States

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics

Maria Teresa Landi (PI)
Kevin Brown


Melanoma Unit, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, IDIBAPS
Universitat de Barcelona

Susana Puig (PI)
Paula Aguilera
Lucia Alos
Alicia Barreiro
Cristina Carrera
Natalia Espinosa
Pablo Iglesias
Judit Mateu
Miriam Potrony
Carolina Sánchez
Oriol Yelamos
Beatriz Alejo
Celia Badenas
Abel Caño
Mireia Domínguez
Daniel Gabriel
Josep Malvehy
Maria E Moliner
Joan Anton Puig-Butille

Gemma Tell

Instituto Valenciano de Oncología

Eduardo Nagore (PI)
Rajiv Kumar
Zaida Garcia-Casado
Celia Requena
Virtudes Soriano
Víctor Traves


Servicio de Dermatología Hospital 12 de Octubre

Pablo Ortiz-Romero (PI)
José Luis Rodríguez-Peralto
Cristina Vico-Alonso





Department of Dermatology Maurizio Bufalini Hospital
Donato Calista (PI)

L'Aquila Department of Dermatology University of L'Aquila
Maria Concetta Fargnoli (PI)
Cristina Pellegrini

Veneto Institute of Oncology IOV - IRCCS Immunology and Diagnostics Molecular Oncology Unit
Chiara Menin (PI)

Cancer Genomics Program
Arcangela De Nicolo (USA - Europe Liaison Scientist)

University of Genoa
University Hospital Policlinico San Martino Genetics of Rare Cancers
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties

Paola Ghiorzo (PI)
William Bruno
Giulia Ciccarese
Bruna Dalmasso
Lorenza Pastorino

Medical Oncology Unit
Paola Queirolo

Institute of Dermatology Catholic University - Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli
Ketty Peris (PI)
Silvia Catapano
Francesco Federico
Barbara Fossati
Erika Valentina De Luca
Laura Del Regno
Alessandro Di Stefani

San Gallicano Dermatological Institute – IRCCS, IFO
Carlo Cota (PI)
Monia Di Prete (pathologist)
Piera Rizzolo (molecular biologist)

Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Monica Rodolfo (PI)

Histopathology and Molecular Diagnostics Careggi University Hospital
Daniela Massi (PI)
Vincenzo De Giorgi

Medical Oncology Unit, University of Perugia
Mario Mandala (PI)
Carmen Molica
Roberta La Starza







National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
School of Medicine Andreas Sygros Hospital

Alex Stratigos (PI)
Evangelos Evangelou
Helen Gogas
Katerina Kypreou
Irene Stefanaki

Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology
University of Ioannina Medical School

Evangelos Evangelou


Nicosia Department of Electron Microscopy/Molecular Pathology
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
The Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine


Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, Nice University Hospital
Nice Hospital-integrated Biobank, University of Côte d'Azur

Paul Hofman (PI)
Elodie Long-Mira


Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Centre
School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb

Mirna Šitum (PI)
Marija Buljan
