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Danping Liu Awarded Scientific Tenure by the NIH

, by Jennifer K. Loukissas, M.P.P.

In August 2024, Danping Liu, Ph.D., was awarded scientific tenure by the NIH and promoted to senior investigator in the Biostatistics Branch (BB). Dr. Liu is recognized for his expertise in longitudinal data methodology, risk prediction modeling, biomarker data analyses, missing data methods, and cancer registry linkage.  

Dr. Liu came to DCEG in 2017 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) where he was on tenure track. Upon his transition to the NCI, he began cultivating a robust research portfolio focused on the development of dynamic risk prediction models for cancer outcomes, particularly those incorporating longitudinal biomarkers, and the advancement of epidemiological methods to address measurement challenges in cancer studies. 

Dr. Liu has assumed a key leadership role in multiple DCEG studies, including the three field studies of HPV vaccination in Costa Rica which seek to inform the transition to a single-dose HPV vaccination regimen and accelerating the control of cervical cancer. In parallel, he has become central to the Biomarkers of Exposure and Effect in Agriculture study, developing innovative statistical methodologies, integrating diverse data sources, and addressing data quality challenges. Using data from the U.S. Radiation Technologists Study, Dr. Liu and colleagues confirmed a novel approach to cancer ascertainment, a nationwide virtual pooled cancer registry. This approach to longitudinal data analysis is central to the Connect for Cancer Prevention Study and sets new standards for accuracy and efficiency in epidemiological research. 

Throughout his career, Dr. Liu has demonstrated an exceptional ability to integrate complex statistical techniques with practical applications. His work on dynamic risk prediction has been particularly influential, evolving from early studies on pregnancy outcomes at NICHD to cutting-edge research on cancer biomarkers. For example, his innovative models have provided critical insights into the early detection of ovarian cancer and have improved risk-based decision-making for women who test positive for HPV persistent infection. 

Dr. Liu's impact extends beyond his research through his dedication to mentoring the next generation of scientists. His mentees have achieved notable success, with several securing tenure-track positions at major universities.  
