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Multiple Myeloma

DCEG researchers conduct studies on multiple myeloma, a type of cancer that affects plasma cells (white blood cells that produce antibodies), and the precursor condition, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).

Selected studies of multiple myeloma and its precursor MGUS are listed below. For more information about this research, contact Dr. Jonathan Hofmann.

Biomarkers of Exposure and Effect in Agriculture (BEEA)

DCEG researchers conducted a molecular epidemiologic substudy within the AHS to further investigate the prevalence of MGUS and evaluate pesticides and other agricultural exposures associated with this myeloma precursor.

Case-Control Studies of Multiple Myeloma

Black people are at greater risk for multiple myeloma. In collaboration with researchers in New Jersey, Detroit, and Atlanta, experts carried out a large-scale study to identify risk factors among Black and White residents. Investigators have studied the roles of potential risk factors including occupational exposures, tobacco, alcohol, dietary and nutritional factors, viruses, medical conditions, and socioeconomic status.

Prostate, Lung, Colon, and Ovary Prospective Study (PLCO)

Nested studies of risk and progression from MGUS to multiple myeloma for immune- and obesity-related markers. 
