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Second Annual Celebration of Women and Girls in Science

, by DCEG Staff

February 11, 2017, marks the Second Annual United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science. DCEG strives to support women in science and medicine every day of the year, particularly through the DCEG Office of Education, led by Chief Jackie Lavigne, Ph.D., M.P.H. Every year dozens of women join the Division as postbac, doctoral, and postdoctoral fellows. Each summer the halls are filled with young scientists who spend nine weeks working side-by-side with the leading experts in cancer epidemiology, biostatistics, genetics, and genomics.

Around the country and around the globe, women who trained with DCEG are leading departments of epidemiology, mentoring young women and men, and adding to the evidence base that deepens our understanding of the causes of cancer and the means of its prevention.

DCEG also enthusiastically contributes to broader efforts to support women in science. The Women Scientist Advisors participate in NIH-wide initiatives and design specific programming to represent the interests of women scientists at the NIH.

Follow our posts on social media using #womeninscience.

Related links:

United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science

DCEG Women Scientist Advisors

DCEG Fellowships & Training

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