Kiyohiko Mabuchi Retires from the NCI After 20 Years of Service
, by Jennifer K. Loukissas, M.P.P.
Kiyohiko Mabuchi, M.D., Dr.P.H., senior scientist in the Radiation Epidemiology Branch (REB), retired from the National Cancer Institute in early 2025 after more than 20 years of service. Dr. Mabuchi investigated cancer and chronic disease risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and how radiation-related risks are modified by modes of exposure and other factors.
Dr. Mabuchi spent the first half of his career at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, in Hiroshima, Japan, where he served as Chief of the Department of Epidemiology, leading the long-term epidemiological studies of health effects of radiation exposure in cohorts of atomic bomb survivors and their children.
In 2000, he joined REB and served as Deputy Branch Chief from 2002 to 2014. Dr. Mabuchi devoted his career at the NCI to epidemiological studies of thyroid disease and leukemia risks following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident and the continuing follow-up of cancer risk among survivors of the atomic bombs in Japan. In 2016, he received an NCI Director’s Award in recognition of his achievements to advance scientific understanding of the carcinogenic effects of low-dose radiation exposure.
Dr. Mabuchi has been a member of several international radiation committees, including the International Commission of Radiological Protection, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, U.K. National Radiological Protection Board’s Advisory Group on Ionizing Radiation, and the Executive Committee of the International Association of Cancer Registries. He received an M.D. from Osaka University Medical School, Japan, and both a master’s and doctorate from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.