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2015 DCEG Intramural Research Awards

, by DCEG Staff

DCEG Intramural Research Awards (IRAs) are competitive funding opportunities designed to foster creative, high-impact research by fellows and tenure-track investigators. Proposals are evaluated on their potential for significant scientific or public health impact, innovation, interdisciplinary nature, ability to achieve the objectives within the proposed time frames and with the proposed resources, and programmatic relevance to DCEG’s mission.

Rena Jones, Rouf Banday, Maeve Mullooly, Tongwu Zhang, and Stephen Chanock

Out of the many excellent proposals submitted for IRAs this year, the following proposals were selected for award:

Rouf Banday, Ph.D., et al.
“Characterization of a newly discovered gene in relation to association with muscle-invasive bladder cancer”

Rena Jones, Ph.D., et al.
“Evaluating misclassification of a spatially heterogeneous environmental exposure in the absence of a gold standard”

Maeve Mullooly, Ph.D., et al.
“Mammographic breast density and risk of contralateral breast cancer”

Tongwu Zhang, Ph.D., et al.
“Evaluation of melanoma-associated sequence variants for differential gene regulatory activity via massively parallel reporter assay”

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