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2016 Representatives to Fellows' Committees

, by DCEG Staff

Postbaccalaureate fellow Arena del Mar Marillo, B.A., and postdoctoral fellow Ana Best, Ph.D., have been selected to serve as co-chairs for the DCEG Fellows Committee (DFel) in 2016. They take over from former postbaccalaureate fellow Estelle Ntowe, M.H.S., and postdoctoral fellow Cindy Zhou, Ph.D.

DFel was created in 2011 to enhance the intramural training experience of fellows within the Division. DFel meetings are open to all DCEG fellows and are scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of every month. In 2015, DFel worked hard to fulfill fellows’ needs, including creating the Epidemiology and Applied Biostatistics Forum, which seeks to complement fellows’ training on epidemiological and advanced statistical methods.

Arena del Mar Marillo, Ana Best, and Alison Len Van Dyke

Postdoctoral fellow Alison Len Van Dyke, M.D., Ph.D., will serve as the new DCEG liaison to the NIH Fellows Committee (FelCom). She replaces postdoctoral fellow Jessica Petrick, Ph.D., M.P.H. NIH FelCom enhances communication among fellows across the NIH community and serves as a liaison to research training programs that affect the fellowship experience.

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