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Paul Albert Appointed Chief of the Biostatistics Branch

, by DCEG Staff

Headshot of Paul Albert

Dr. Paul Albert

In August 2016, Paul S. Albert, Ph.D., joined the Division as Chief of the Biostatistics Branch. His research interests include complex modeling of correlated outcomes in biomedical sciences, including the analysis of longitudinal data, diagnostic testing, and data from biomarker studies.

In his own research program Dr. Albert focuses on the development of new methodological techniques for predicting future disease progression or poor outcomes from longitudinally collected biomarkers, including Markov modeling techniques for recurrent events with misclassification.

A veteran of NIH, Dr. Albert has held positions of scientific leadership in biostatistics in multiple Institutes. Most recently he was senior investigator and Chief of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Branch in the Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention in the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

During his tenure at NICHD he was involved in a variety of research efforts, from investigations on fetal growth and teenage sleep patterns, to molecular studies of gestational diabetes. Dr. Albert brings to the Biostatistics Branch his deep commitment to optimizing study design, statistical modeling, and analysis in an era of increased technology and data collection, in particular the treatment of data missing at random, or absent for a particular reason, which often has implications for study outcomes.

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