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Aimée Kreimer Awarded Scientific Tenure by the NIH

, by DCEG Staff

Headshot of Aimee Kreimer

Aimée Kreimer

In June 2016, Aimée Kreimer, Ph.D., was awarded scientific tenure by the NIH. Dr. Kreimer’s research focuses on the etiology and prevention of cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). She has particular interests in translational research and the natural history of HPV infection at multiple anatomic sites.  

As co-principal investigator for the NCI Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial, Dr. Kreimer and colleagues demonstrated vaccine efficacy at all sites where HPV can cause cancer in women. They also demonstrated comparably high efficacy among women who received three, two, or even a single dose of vaccine. 

In the study of the natural history of HPV-associated disease outside of the cervix, Dr. Kreimer and colleagues discovered that the HPV E6 antibody marker predicts risk of HPV-driven cancer, in particular oropharyngeal cancer, years before cancer development.

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