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2020 NCI Career Development Program Selections

, by DCEG Staff

Headshots of Rotana Alsaggaf, Christian Alvarez Privado and Marena Niewisch

Rotana Alsaggaf, Christian Alvarez Privado, and Marena Niewisch (2020)

Rotana Alsaggaf, Ph.D., M.S., of the Clinical Genetics Branch, Christian S. Alvarez Privado, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., of the Metabolic Epidemiology Branch, and Marena Niewisch, M.D., of the Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory, were selected for the 2020 NCI Career Development Program (DCDP). This program seeks to provide NCI postdoctoral trainees with the tools necessary to develop as leaders in independent academic research careers. “The DCDP is an important part of NCI’s efforts to build and support the biomedical research workforce,” said Jackie Lavigne, Ph.D., M.P.H., Chief of the Office of Education at DCEG.

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