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Savage Presents on TP53 and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome at NIH Demystifying Medicine Series

, by DCEG Staff

Headshot of Sharon Savage

Sharon A. Savage, M.D., clinical director and chief of the Clinical Genetics Branch presented research on TP53 and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) on March 19, 2019, as part of the NIH Demystifying Medicine series. Inherited genetic variants in TP53 elevate risk for multiple types of cancer. Dr. Savage began the lecture by introducing a participant in the NCI LFS Study, Noelle Johnson. Ms. Johnson provided a moving personal perspective on living with LFS.

The second presentation was by Dr. Marston Linehan, Chief of the Urologic Oncology Branch, in the NCI Center for Cancer Research. He presented his ground-breaking work on the genetic basis of kidney cancer.

The 2019 Demystifying Medicine Series, which is jointly sponsored by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) and NIH, includes the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, clinicians and program managers, the course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components presented by NIH staff and invitees. All students, fellows and staff are welcome, as well. Learn more about the Demystifying Medicine Series.

View the archived video of TP53 and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, NIH Demystifying Medicine Series.

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